miércoles, 29 de noviembre de 2023

Those over 40 years of age may apply for access to university

The process for those who have turned 45 years old and have no work experience will begin on March 15, 2024

On November 27, the deadline opens for those over 40 years of age with work and professional experience to submit their application to access undergraduate university education for the next academic year 2024/2025. This has been approved by the Interuniversity Coordinating Commission, whose agreement has been published in BOJA by the Department of University, Research and Innovation. This Commission has also given the green light to the calendar and interviews that the group of 45-year-old people without work or professional experience who are interested in pursuing a career must complete.

The Interuniversity Coordinating Commission is the body responsible for the organization of all the technical aspects involved in the university access tests and procedures and is made up of representatives of the departments of Educational Development and Vocational Training and of University, Research and Innovation. , as well as by the nine public academic institutions in the community that offer degree studies.

The procedure to apply for university for those over 40 years of age with work and professional experience related to the degree they wish to pursue consists of two phases. The first is related to the assessment of that experience and takes into account aspects such as the length of your work and professional career, your affinity with the requested professional family and the level of competence. Those interested must present the merits that prove their career from November 27 to December 20 of this year. The second phase focuses on a personal interview, which will only be carried out if the assessment phase is passed. In any case, this selection test will begin on February 5, 2024, subsequently establishing a claims period between the 6th and 8th of the same month. The final qualifications will be known before March 5, 2024.

For those who have already turned 45 years of age and do not have regulated training for access to university higher education, there is an adapted test in which the requirements are limited to the first two exercises of the General Phase of the test for those over 25 years of age. : text commentary or development of a current topic, and Spanish Language exam, although participants have to carry out a personal interview. The approved calendar establishes that applications to participate in this procedure will have to be submitted between February 21 and March 15, 2024, with the two evaluation tests set for April 5, the date on which the personal interviews will also begin. . The final publication of the results will be made until May 10.

For the 45-year-old group, 2% of the total places in each grade are reserved, although this quota is shared with candidates over 40 years of age who have passed the procedure for evaluating the merits of their professional experience.

In this 2023/2024 academic year, a total of 117 people over 40 years of age are enrolled in the public university system, while 45-year-old students are quantified at 106.

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